To help get yourself ready organized for your event, check out the Essential Gear for Your Triathlon document!
Key Points:
• Pick up packet prior to race day to avoid long lines and have a stress-free morning.
• Dress in layers and according to the forecasted weather.
• Eat a healthy breakfast and stay hydrated.
• Plan extra time to park before the race.
• Place chip from packet pick up through the laces of your running shoes.
• Pin the bib on the front of your shirt so it is visible.
• Allow runners to pass on the left side. Do not walk more than 2 wide; this becomes difficult for others to pass.
• Take caution in the roads, safety always comes first. Do not assume you have the right of way.
Participation Guidelines
Pre Race:
Pick up packet prior to race day to avoid long lines and have a stress-free morning.
Dress in layers and according to the forecasted weather.
Eat a healthy breakfast and stay hydrated.
Plan extra time to park before the race.
You must know the course, don’t rely on volunteers or police to tell you where to go, unless there is an emergency.
Race day disclaimer: In the event of severe weather conditions, emergency and/or an act of god, the Race Director reserves the right to cancel or delay (up to 3 hours), the Final Stretch event up to race time. Weather conditions deemed unsafe include heavy snow, ice, heavy smoke, high winds, or hard driving winds. We will not cancel the race for uncomfortable conditions. Please come prepared for the weather. If the race is cancelled due to one of the above reasons or the racer is unable to participate, we regret there will be NO REFUNDS.
Race Day:
The swim will be a wave start with each wave beginning 3 minutes apart beginning at race time. Waves are assigned according to gender and age.
All athletes must obey instructions from police officers, course marshals, and other emergency personal.
This is an open bike and run course on public roads, police patrols will be at major intersections to direct traffic and cones will be used to separate traffic from athletes, but you ARE NOT TO ASSUME you have the right of way.
No individual support vehicles or assistance by anyone is allowed. No dogs allowed on the course.
Pacesetters are not allowed. Heart-rate monitors, GPS’s, and other informational technology are allowed.
First-aid is located at the finish line. If you need transportation to the finish line for a medical or equipment disqualification, notify any course marshal or waterstop person and they will contact a race director. Any medical emergency should be directed to “911”. Any race volunteer can assist in making this contact.
Water or other hydration drinks will be provided no more than 5K apart. Most water stations are less than 2 miles apart.You must know the start time for the race and ensure that you arrive in time. All race participants are expected to be at the start line 10 – 15 minutes prerace for any last minute updates and directions. Races will begin with READY – SET – and a SIREN will sound noting the start of the event.
The finish line is located directly under the finish line banner. For leg times in duathlons and triathlons, the times are taken directly under the tent at the exits/entrances to the transition area.
Each mile is marked with a marker. All turns off the existing roadway are noted by at least one of the following: course marshal, turn arrow on a traffic cone, road surface paint, or law enforcement.
Medical personnel have ultimate and final authority to remove a participant from the race, if, in their judgment, the participant is physically incapable of continuing the race without sustaining physical damage or loss of life.
No participant shall wear headphones or any sound producing device during the bike portion of the race (results in disqualification). During the run it is OK.
Body marking for all racers will begin about 1.5 hours before race time near the registration area. We will mark your number on your arm and on your leg. Your age group letter will be written on your calf. Your wave number will be written on your hand. Please allow enough time to take care of this.
We want to provide you with the best possible results. You can help us do that by having your number in front and knowing what your race number is in case someone at a timing transition asks.
Secure the Velcro strap tightly on your LEFT ankle for the entire race. YOU MUST RETURN THE CHIP AT THE FINISH LINE OR YOU WILL BE ASSESSED A $30 FEE BY FINAL TIME.
Results will be available online at
Transition Area:
Bike racks will already be set up and are on a first come basis except team bike racks are marked.
Transition Area – For safety and security, only competitors are allowed in the transition area. Riding your bike is not allowed in the transition area. Everyone must wear an approved bike helmet. Bike helmets must always be buckled.
Team Area in transition area – There will be a specific location in the transition area for team members to exchange their chip. Please do it safely.
Only race participants will be allowed to pick up bicycles.
Swim will start on the water’s edge. Each wave will start 3 minutes apart beginning at race start time. Waves are assigned according to gender and age.
Lifeguards will be on kayaks and they are for your safety. If you need to rest, let a lifeguard know. You will not be penalized for resting on a kayak, or utilizing a floatation device for a rest. The universal sign of distress is taking your hat off and waving it in the air. Please do this to signal help!!
Wetsuits are allowed but not provided.
Water Temperature is always around 72 degree F, + or – 2 degrees.
You must know the course, don’t rely on volunteers or police to tell you where to go, unless there is an emergency.
Participants without approved ANSI/Snell cycling helmets are NOT allowed to race. NO EXCEPTIONS. Bike Helmets must be worn and buckled prior to leaving the transition area
Riding bike in transition area is NOT permitted. You must dismount your bike before you enter the transition area at the end of the bike.
The course is an open course to traffic so use caution. All corners will have volunteers and police for directions and safety.
Drafting is discouraged.
No participant shall wear headphones or any sound producing device during the bike portion of the race (results in disqualification).
Participants can wear headphones or any sound producing device during the run portion of the race (Ipods are OK on the run part)
Allow runners to pass on the left side. Do not walk more than 2 wide; this becomes difficult for others to pass.